Arianna Congedi


Arianna Congedi is an Italian pianist and répétiteur living in Zurich, Switzerland.
Having earned a Master's degree in opera studies and piano pedagogy in 2023, she is currently pursuing postgraduate studies in orchestral conducting with Christof Brunner.
Recent engagements include a conducting masterclass on Il Trovatore with Maestro Antonello Allemandi, as well as a repetiteur and coaching assistant position at Saluzzo Opera Academy.
She is a 2024 Repetiteur Fellow of the Georg Solti Accademia and scholarship holder of the Hirschmann foundation Switzerland for outstanding academic achievements and social engagement.

Arianna worked with Beatrice Benzi, Umberto Finazzi, Dante Mazzola and James Vaughan in Masterclasses at the Accademia Teatro La Scala, Milano.
Under the general direction of Damon Nestor Ploumis, she has worked at Lyric Opera Studio Weimar as audition pianist, coaching assistant and repetiteur for Die Fledermaus.
Arianna has been invited to work as rehearsal pianist for various productions, including Alexandre bis and Les Larmes du Couteau (Theater Gessnerallee), Le Nozze di Figaro, Carmen, and most recently Dido and Aeneas as harpsichordist (Zurich University of the Arts).
For her musical theatre Nonna starb an einem Freitag, which intertwined opera scenes by Ligeti and Eötvös with her play script, she was awarded the ZHdK Bachelor Music Prize in 2021.
In 2023, alongside Jonas Füllemann as sound/visual programmer, she has staged and performed K. Stockhausen’s Klavierstück XIII: Luzifers Traum using machine learning to augment the perception of the piece.

In her freetime, she likes to play the Organ and practice her partimento skills on the Harpsichord.
When the neighbours allow it, she plays Marimba.
When the neighbours don't allow Marimba, she reads, writes, or goes for a hike.

Photography: Andreas Zihler, Zürich, at Theater am Hechtplatz